I admit, I still don't get the Golden Globe awards. I like it though. Movie and TV people all sit in the same room, at round tables, and have to zig zag their way to the stage when their names are called.
I'm pretty sure there are drinkies at those tables, because sometimes the acceptance speeches get a little bit exuberant.
You gotta love a televised awards presentashe in which the host brings his beer up to the podium with him.
Does Ricky Gervais always look like he's just cracked a joke he was warned not to tell? He appears to be snickering constantly. He made me giggle.
You gotta love a televised awards presentashe in which the host brings his beer up to the podium with him.
Does Ricky Gervais always look like he's just cracked a joke he was warned not to tell? He appears to be snickering constantly. He made me giggle.
This year had a big difference - it RAINED! It's in Los Angeles, location of many awards shows, and I don't think I've ever seen rain.

Oh silly, that's not me in that picture. It's Julia Roberts. You can tell by the long legs. She's the only one sensible enough to wear long sleeves in the rain. If I was there, my hair would be a cloud of curls and frizz. Also I like her shoes.
Here's what Julia and I have in common: big grinny teeth. Here's where we differ: her smile is symmetrical.
So it rained in L.A. and there were umbrellas everywhere, plus huge lights to make up for a wet sky.
Like those of us at home care! We're there for the clothes! And the chance of something bizarre being said!
Me, I hope somebody will wear a really tacky gold dress so I can make a lame "golden globes! snicker snicker" joke on my blog.
Oh but it gets better!
And Halle.

Then I saw the one on her hip!
Then I realized that she is Drew and she's kind of from a different planet, so I give her a free pass. If ANYBODY can wear a dress decorated with sparkly hedgehogs, it is the one and only Drew Barrymore, she of the crooked smile and wacky acceptance speeches.
Speaking of George Clooney!!!
So few men can get away with this and still look good. I mean, he hasn't got little beads braided into it, like his two fellow Sexiest Man Alive Two Times guys have been known to do on occasion, but Classy George wins again.
Sadly, some young fella has to show up with a greasy head of yuck, and this year is no exception.
I am not fully aware of what a Gossip Girl is since I have avoided both the show and the book series like a disease, but apparently he's on the show. I hope he doesn't walk around like this all the time. Only a Pattinson can get away with this, and only just. Of course if a Depp did his hair like this I'd declare it genius but I'm shallow that way.

Now don't get me wrong -- we appreciate the musical amazon that is Christina. And it's nice that she's all classin' it up here, or at least attempting it! I'm just not so sure about that dress. Jethro called it Roboboob.
I don't know if this is good either, but I love it!
Maybe it's just the saucy attitude she wears it with. I don't know what Chloe Sevigny is like as an actress... I live under a rock and don't have cable TV, and my only real knowledge of her is through Go Fug Yourself, where she's kind of a goddess of good acting and bad clothes. I don't care. I love this dress. It's insane. I've never seen anything like it, probably because it's just a dumb idea. The chest ruffle thing flapped up onto her chin when she walked up to the stage to get her award. Plus everything else floated behind her. It leaves me without similes, that's how wild it is.
She picked the right hair and make up for it. Crazy dress demands not-crazy hair and face.
But I just don't know about this.

I seriously can't decide on this one, but she looks rather pleased with the whole thing. I guess I would too in her place.
And Tribble/ Annyong said, "Shhhhh. He's talking."

Aniston. Ah. Aniston. What am I to say? Gorgeous, of course. She is just beautiful, always. Perfect hair, perfect make up, black dress. AGAIN.

I'll give Aniston this: few women have the guts to wear a side slit like that. Those who do often shouldn't. She can!
And speaking of SHE CAN - hot damn, Kate Winslet!
I wish she'd been wearing this when she won her Oscar instead of the blue dress and that awful helmet hairdo.

Meryl "T-Bone" Streep wore a very conservative black number, and looked very elegant and um, I don't know what else to say, really, except...
Can we just declare her the best EVER and get it over with? Go watch a little movie called "Silkwood" and you'll see why Meryl is the best and why CHER is one of the most underrated actors ever. I'm serious.
As you know, I like pink, so I'm saying Diane Krueger looks good here.
Hey look! It's Tina Fey, about to blow away like a little grey dandelion seed!

Although Penelope Cruz is really working that umbrella.
My only concern is that she appears to be slightly more orange than normal.
And on to other concerns... What, honestly, is going on with Kate Hudson? Who is she going out with this week, what's going on with her face, and is she still hot?
The dress is a magnificent piece of sculpture, but as a dress, it's just a big ol fail. I don't know about you but I'd be dropping half my meal into that loopy bodice. Even if I wouldn't normally drop my dinner onto myself, this arty dress would be like a food magnet. I can't even show you the whole dress. I'm just really ferhuddled by it. Let's move on.

But sadly, statuesque beautiful Kidman looks like an anemic toothpick beside Mo'nique. Note to Nicole: seek out scrawny pale people to stand with.
Now here's a pale guy who who won an award for acting but who should get an award just for showing up! Michael C Hall is on another one of those shows I don't watch but everybody else can't stop raving about.

Hey, you know who keeps on rocking, who just makes me love him more all the time? RDJ!!!
Dig this guy. Just dig the elegant tux and the gorgeous grin, the cool confidence with the globe-holding. LOVE.
Jethro loves Jenna Fischer.
I do not love this dress. I love nothing about it. She's got a sweet figure and this is so unflattering plus a blah colour and an icky looking fabric. This is a bummer.

But then, I saw it from a different view.

This leaves me with the clear choice for Heidi's Favourite Dress From The 2010 Golden Globes. Good job, Zoe Saldana!
I do like the colour, especially on her lovely brown skin. I like the shape of it and I love, love, love the skirt with all those crazy ruffles.

Although this is a very close runner up.
And with that, I realize that I haven't really said much of anything about the actual awards, but let's face it, we're there for the clothes. It's fun. This show is the warm up for The Big One, after all, and I fully expect you all to show up for the Oscars in March. What I mean by that is, you show up here to get the rundown, since this is much more efficient and humorous than staying up until stupid-o-clock to watch the show.
Meet me and the little Golden Man here in March! Until then, let's discuss: Hudson: hot? Sevigny: genius or clueless? Barrymore: crazy? Clooney: coolest ever? And as for those pesky awards: who's next?